
Our webinars are here to educate you about information technology.

Office 365 BI Data Management Webinar: Is Your Company Drowning In Data With No Life Preserver?

If your company is like most, you have core operating applications, some centrally delivered from your internal servers, others as Cloud applications. You and your team pull data from various systems that don’t “talk” to each. This data is siloed and has to be massaged and reformed into meaningful information, reports, dashboards.

And you do this over, and over again every day, week, month, quarter and year so you can make decisions that enable your company’s success.

If this sounds familiar, than this Business Education Webinar is for you.

More so than ever before, businesses are collecting tremendous amounts of data from every segment of their operations. With this goldmine of information, the challenge becomes interpreting and consuming to gain actionable business intelligence from these data sources. Consumption of insights is just as critical as developing said insights and often the key area where many companies have opportunities to grow on their data journey.

This seminar will layout the problems with the collection, management and action of data, and how companies just like yours, are solving them.

We will have a business intelligence company, Nanik BI, as our special guest to elaborate on techniques you and your company can use to make sense of all the various data repositories used in your business. Nanik BI will present ways to help extract meaningful information from your organization in an automated way, in turn optimizing your operations.

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